#ProjectFame9.0 Academy Day 36: Contestants Go Poetic.


Selecting a new academy captain every new week is a ritual of some sorts in the Project Fame Academy. #ProjectFame9.0 has seen class captains employ different creative methods in choosing the person they pass the leadership baton to.

With the contestants constantly displaying their singing prowess, it is always interesting and different to see the contestants follow a different route in the academy.
Academy day 36 was particularly interesting as the contestants chose to reveal a side of them that was hitherto hidden, poetry. All the contestants took part in a poetry competition to elect the new leader of the Academy for the week.
Mirabel, the captain of last week told the contestants that they were all required to write a poem of 20 words and the more rhymes included in their poem, the better their chances of being academy captain. She also told them that the person that had the ‘dumbest’ poem will emerge captain.
After a lot of creative and lazy poetry, Mirabel passed the baton of leadership to Elizabeth whose poem was voted the least creative by the rest of the contestants.
After the creative exercise of electing a new house leader, Uncle Ben stepped into the academy and announced to the contestants that they will be paying tribute to the memory of great artistes who have left indelible marks and legacies that cannot be erased. Uncle Ben reminded the contestants that artistes never really die because their works live on in the memories of people for a life time.
Uncle Ben also announced the group songs the contestants will be performing over the weekend. Three of the contestants on probation — Dapo, Mirabel, and Pere —  took the lead to have a one on one session with Uncle Ben in hopes of spotting their mistakes at the gala night performances and knowing how they can improve on them.
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